Configuring AD FS User Directory
Here you can find instructions how to configure Trivore ID authentication to work with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). Configuring AD FS itself is out scope of this document (only general requirements provided).
This configuration enables for using credentials at AD FS to be used to sign in to Trivore ID.
Configure Trivore ID
First, select User Directories from main menu as shown below and click button Add directory.
You will be asked to select directory type. Select Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).
Core settings
AD FS uses same core settings as other SAML based user directories. See Common SAML user directory settings
User information
After you have configured necessary core settings, you may need to adjust user attribute mappings. AD FS uses common user attribute mappings documented at Common user directory settings . Photo URL is not yet implemented. Some default values are available when creating new AD FS directory.