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DVV Muutostietopalvelu Support Module

This optional module adds support for updating User LegalInfo data with Finnish DVV Muutostietopalvelu (MUTP) APIs.


System Preferences

The most important MUTP configurations are under System Preferences / DVV.FI: Configuration.

Connection settings


Scheduled update task settings


Update task log key


Support tools



You can change some configuration options through the Namespace editor. These customisations will apply to any updates done to users in this namespace. The options are in the “Features” tab.


The “Daily user updates enabled” option is by default disabled. By enabling it, the scheduled task which updates users will include users from this namespace.

Scheduled user update task

A schedulable task called “DVV Muutostietopalvelu Updates Retrieval” can be used to perform automatic updates through MUTP services.

It is disabled by default. It’s default scheduling is once per day at 1:00.

It can be enabled through System Preferences / Scheduled tasks.