Generate a Client SDK library for Management API
You can generate a client SDK for the Management API with any OpenAPI based code generator. By generating the client yourself, you have more control over dependencies and updates.
OpenAPI documentation
The OpenAPI document for Management API is downloadable from:
SwaggerHub is a web based OpenAPI document editor and code generator.
You can import the OpenAPI document into SwaggerHub and generate a client from there. SwaggerHub is simple to use but does not support all the languages, libraries and options that CodeGen supports, so you might want to look into it next.
Swagger CodeGen
Swagger CodeGen is a Java based code generator. You can run it from the command line as a CLI application, or through Maven. It supports a large amount of languages and has a large amount of customization options.
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate \
-i openapi.json \
-o apiclient \
-l java
OpenAPI Generator
OpenAPI Generator is similar to Swagger CodeGen. Most of the options are identical. It supports a slightly different set of languages and libraries, and generates slightly different style of code.
Github documentation
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
-i openapi.json \
-o apiclient \
-g java \